Over the last few years, a good extent of rise has been witnessed in the property management industry and residential property valuation manhattan ny, especially when it comes to student housing. A high percentage of increase in rents for prime locations close to college has also been witnessed. Putting in money in student housing can be a very fruitful investment for landlords, as rents have been driven dramatically faster in neighborhoods that are within walking distance of college campuses. However, simply investing in these properties is not enough. They have to be competently managed as well. Companies like Nelson Partners can be hired for this purpose.
Student accommodation is a pretty demanding, intensive and challenging sector to be involved in. However, if a person is smart about their approach, a well managed property can actually provide good returns. Along with providing students with a living space, modern accommodation units also offer facilities like free internet, study rooms, gyms and so on. Many purpose-built student housing units are also host specialized events throughout the year to foster a sense of community among the students living there. All these softer services and facilities are vital for the students. If a person is running good student housing where there is a strong sense of community, students are more likely to enjoy their living and learning experience, renew their leases, and even invite their friends to join in the lifestyle. However, all of this happens only if the property is managed properly, with the help of companies like Nelson Partners. This company has acquired and managed over $240 million in assets through the acquisition of 19 student housing properties and 3 assisted living properties across 9 states ever since its inception. They put emphasis on targeted growth opportunities and value-added investments for its clients through capital improvements, cost efficiency, and revenue maximization. Their strategy is to focus on assets that cater to growing demands in certain niche industries like collegiate housing.
One of the biggest risks linked with student housing is managing the mix of tenants as most of the students would only be on the campus for ten months of the year. The landowner needs to consider that they will hold a lease for every student for that time period. This can amount to more than a thousand leases to be negotiated, with rental collections taking place each month. Managing these rental collections and leases is a considerable aspect of the day-to-day functioning of a student housing facility, and can be pretty cumbersome for the landowner. To reduce these hassles, they must seek out professional assistance. The aspect of balancing high building costs with keeping rental affordable is also a part of student housing management, as student tenants commonly struggle with financial constraints. Professional student housing management companies usually follow a systematic model to provide their students with the most nurturing ecosystem possible, while also keeping costs under control and providing strong returns to the investors.