What are Eyelet Curtains?

According to the solid folds of cloth, which run in constant lines from top to bottom, eyelet curtains are very trendy and build a remarkable attribute of a window. Eyelet Curtains often hang from a rod that is threaded through rings made of metal.  The curtain is stitched precisely into the material with loops so that the rail can pass over the top of the curtain itself. These rings are called blind grommets, or eyelets. The curtains are set in a concertina design on the column, creating large deep pleats.

How to Suspend Eyelet Curtains?

Curtains for eyelet curtain are for the rod only. No hooks or rings are necessary, so before you start, simply relief them from the pole.

Keeping the curtain against you with the face of the material, fold the first eyelet away from you and yarn the eyelet onto the pole of the curtain.

You should put the first eyelet on the outer rim of the pole bracket to inhibit the whole curtain from slipping into the center of the window when you close the curtains. This, at the end of the curtain pole, will keep the outside edge of the curtain.

When the entire curtain has been devoted to the pole, continue bending the eyelets near and away from you in a concertina style.

How to Measure for Eyelet Curtains?


There should be eyelet curtains suspended from blind poles. To reach the distance, only measure between the finials (the decorative ends).


The inner side of the eyelet is set 3 cm from the topmost of the curtain, so when measuring, you have to allow this or your curtains will be 3 cm too short! Measure from the top of the rod to where the curtains end and add 3 cm to where you like.

How to use Eyelet tape for Eyelet Curtains?

Step 1 & 2:

Only stitch the tape onto the fabric’s back to make sure the plastic pins are clear. Just take the covering to the bottom row of the stitching on the adhesive tape while lining your curtain.  The material is carefully cut away from the inside of the eyelets. Do not worry about frayed edges; any messy edges will be covered by the eyelet rings.

Step 3:

Clip on your selected eyelet ring

Step 4:

Hook the plastic and inserts together to achieve the desired fullness.

In which manner do you Hang Eyelet Curtains?

Merely thread the curtain rod through the curtain eyelets.

Do not thread onto the pole with the surface edge eyelet. On the outside of the frame, which is used to join the pole to either the wall or ceiling, this eyelet suits. It will escape the curtain from moving through the window by adding the eyelet outside the frame.

They will automatically fold into accepting folds once the eyelet curtains have been implanted onto the curtain pole.

How to Wash Eyelet Curtains?

There are several ways to wash eyelet curtains:

  1. Cleaning with Washing Machine

Hand-Washing the Curtains

Heavy Curtain Cleaning

Cleaning Curtain Rods And Rings

Steam Cleaning


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