If you are a nature lover, having a green rooftop terrace can be a lot of fun. It is a great idea if you do not have the space to plant an outdoor garden or you enjoy spending time on your terrace. Rooftop gardens are private and refreshing. They can help maintain cool temperatures in your building.
A green rooftop garden is more than just a collection of pots and plants. Here are a few tips to create an outdoor space that promotes relaxation.
- Consider the Slab’s Weight-Bearing Capacity
The first step is to find out the strength of your roof slab and how much weight it can bear. Do not start bringing in seating, soil, pots, and plants before finding out if your slab is strong enough. You need a professional for this step. They will take a look at your structure and determine the best position for your garden.
- Get the Right Soil Mixture
The type of soil mixture you need for a terrace garden is different from what you would have in an outdoors garden. It is supposed to be lightweight and good for drainage. Your garden terrace soil should be a mixture of garden soil, conditioners, and fertilizers. Soil conditioners improve the ability of your soil to retain water and nutrients.
- Create a Wilderness
Use native plants in your garden. Consider adding a feeder and water source to attract native butterflies, bees, and birds. The best plants are those that can provide food and material for building nests. The feel of a wilderness will be an amazing contrast to the city landscape. Your best plant options include purple cornflower and black-eyed Susan. They are perfect for pollinators.
- Grow a Green Screen
If you want to create the impression of being in a beautiful, secluded retreat, consider using planters, fences, and screens. Invest in shrubs and vines to block out the adjacent buildings. Use the walls bordering your terrace to create a beautiful backdrop for your garden. They can offer your vines some support as well.
A wooden lattice fence can give your leafy screen the support they need. Consider covering a part of the garden with a shade sail or pergola. You’ll get extra privacy and some shade.
- Explore Different Styling Ideas
There are plenty of ways to style your garden. With outdoor seating, you need furniture made with all-weather material. Movable options are flexible and perfect for home gardens. There are lots of commercially-treated furniture options to withstand harsh weather conditions.
Pick decorative elements to match your seating and the general aesthetic of your garden. The most common ones include bird feeders, bird baths, and stone urns. If you want to create a pleasant ambiance, consider using a water fountain or water pond.
Even though there are lots of lighting options, solar panels are some of your best options. They are movable and do not need wiring.
If you need help designing a good rooftop garden, consider seeking the help of Garden Club London. A team of experts will work with you from the start to the end of your project.
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